Monthly Archives: November 2013

An Attitude of Gratitude

As Thanksgiving is upon us this week, we found an awesome way to showcase an Attitude of Gratitude that is scientifically proven to make you happier!

Here is the science behind how being grateful leads to increased happiness:

At the end of the video, it asks that if you’re having a tough day, film yourself showing gratitude and send it in. Please also post your video link here so we can share your happy with each other on this blog.

Life on Happy recommends you to try writing your own letter to someone who has had an impact on your life and, if possible, read it on Thanksgiving to that person. Maybe this become a family event, annual tradition, or maybe this can be your Happymoon!

Whatever it becomes for you-it will make you more Happy. Try it:)

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What is a “Happymoon” anyway?

Happymoon. Noun. What one does, just for themselves, to reconnect with their inner peace, nurture themselves, and make themselves happy. It mirrors the intimate sentiment of the word from which it is derived, “honeymoon,” in that it is specific and unique to an individual.

Implicit in the notion of a happymoon is the idea that happiness is a choice that one makes by seeking out and doing that which makes him or her happy, or perhaps by just consciously, and very deliberately, devoting time and mental energy to enjoying the blessings and good fortune that one already has.

See also: “find one’s happy place”, “tend one’s own garden”, “take time for oneself” and “do what makes one happy”.

Example: “I’ve had no time for myself this week, so this weekend I’m going to take a happymoon by spending the day at the spa, then hanging out with my girlfriends.”

Can also be used as a verb. Example: “Sorry, boss, I’d love to spend all weekend working on this project, but I’m happymooning with my kids at the beach.”

What will YOU do for your Happymoon?

Thank you for reading our very first post! We look forward to learning & sharing how to live a Life on Happy!


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